Wednesday, July 1, 2009

ICE (In Case of Emergency) Contacts on your cell phone

OF COURSE we all know to put our emergency contacts in our phone contact list, yes? You DON'T? Well, get on the ball, bucky!!!
The ICE acronym should accompany anyone's name who will be an emergency contact for you. That's what ICE stands for-In Case of Emergency. In case you are incapacitated/unconscious and EMS personnel need to contact someone in this emergency, the ICE designation in a contact name will clue them in and be able to notify your emergency contact. If you haven't done this, GO DO IT NOW!!!!!

With me so far? Ok, the next part...
What I have done is carry this one step farther.
Say I have my daughter in my phone listing, just as regular, everyday phone contact.
I have CREATED/ADDED another contact with her phone and email information BUT listed it in my Contact List/Phone Book with these words:

(ICE) Emergency Contact in the Last Name area, and
Melinda Ward, daughter in New York in the First Name area. (ok, her name's not Melinda Ward, but this is only for an example, ok?)
You HAVE to make sure that the ICE acronym has parentheses' around it, because symbols (like these parentheses) come up in the Contacts/phone list FIRST before letters, so these ICE contacts will always be seen if EMS personnel touches/chooses the Contacts or Phone List. Note I also listed who she was and where she was located. I did this for all my emergency contacts. You ALSO should list more than one person.

Ok, I took it ANOTHER step farther, but this is only good if you have a PDA/Smartphone and have the extra capability of adding add'l information:

On my Smartphone, I can add 'notes' to each contact, so I've added my Advance Medical Care Directive info to each of my ICE contacts. If EMS personnel pull up any of my emergency contacts, they'll see that information as well.

FINALLY, the LAST step:
Again, I have the 'notes' capability in my Smartphone, so I created another Contact with emergency information just on myself:

(EMERG. MED INFO) in the Last Name area, and
my first name, last name, and the words 'phone owner' in the First Name area.
AGAIN, the (Emerg. Med Info) is in parentheses.
In the 'notes' area for that contact, I've put my medical information, such as allergies, the Advance Directive info, health info/insurance, etc.

With my PDA, if any contact is choosen/clicked on, the contact name, phone numbers and emergency note info all come up, and, since they're listed with parentheses, they will come up FIRST in my Contacts list.
Also, since 'E' comes before 'I', my emergency medical information will come up FIRST in the Contacts list.

Regarding the Advance Directive that I mentioned-
I have one because I don't want my loved ones having to dither around with the medicos, trying to determine what's to be done with me and who's gonna be in charge. This takes care of that, PLUS when I signed it and had it notorized, I scanned it in and sent it to the people I listed as my agent. This form is in case I'm so far gone that I can't make decisions for myself.
Here's the link for the states' forms and requirements. This particular website is selling the registration of Living Wills, but it's got good information for the Advance Directives for each state. This is where I originally got my form. CAVEAT-the California form does NOT have the current Notary form with it, but any Notary Public will provide you with the correct California form. Just toss that page from the Advance Directive set and add the correct one.

Some informational links for the ICE stuff, in case you want MORE reading...

This one below has add'l information besides ICE:

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