Thursday, December 31, 2009

At least I know where Jackie is on New Year's Eve 2009 UPDATED 01-05-10

**Cost of a couple of RockStar drinks on December 30th, 2009 while driving earlier than planned from Santa Fe NM to Fullerton, CA, in order to stay awake all night through for the drive-$4.75
**Cost of Verizon Roadside Assistance service to allow daughter to call anytime from anywhere for emergency roadside assistance or advice - $3/month
**Cost of eardrum surgery to mom when blond daughter shrilly yells in her ear that she's in the middle of nowhere dead center stuck between Grants, NM and Flagstaff, AZ in 17 degree cold at 12 midnight, that her truck suddenly died and that she and her buds are freezing - To Be Determined, Hope The Medical Insurance Deductible Isn't Too Huge
**Cost of towing, parts and labor for repairs to her Ford Ranger's fuel pump - $684.00
**Cost of motel room for 3 nights; New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day and the day after, until the part comes in - $135.14

***Cost of experience for a sadder but wiser daughter who SHOULDN'T hve been driving overnight and who now has to spend New Year’s Eve in Podunkt, Nowheretown instead of partying with her friends in LA-PRICELESS

Yup, she ain't going to be partying or driving while drinking on New Year's.

Did I mention that she forgot her cell phone charger (except the car charger, which doesn't do much good because her car's in the shop!) so her cell is dead, and the netbook wireless modem isn't working?

You couldn't be more cut off from the world if you'd-a gone camping in the Himalayas!


She's in SoCal, came in last night. Mommy arranged for lodging (since we have dogs, one of whom isn't the friendliest to strangers) and our mechanic has her car as I write this (1:53 PM Sunday).

So she has my car until tomorrow night and probably thru Tuesday morning. I'll be riding my bike or driving the other Ranger.

Pain in the ass.

MOMMY paid for the fuel pump, folks, plus whatever our mechanic finds. I mean, she has a RENT CHECK to make good.


He's Wahid Hloul, owns Foreign Automotive Center at 2700 E. Lambert Road, La Habra, at the corner of Palm and Lambert directly across from In 'N' Out Burger, 562-690-8441.

HIGHLY recommended.



She's on the road now, our mechanic checked her truck out, replaced the cut-off ('inertia') switch, fixed her horn and alarm, and changed out her battery cables.

This was an expensive vacation for her, and she HAD to leave a reminder of her visit for me...They spilled Jack in the trunk of my Pontiac. Great. There goes a GALLON of Febreeze.

Will I miss her? 50-50. Mostly yes. I guess. Even though I got to see her maybe 4 hours.

Rhetorical question:

If I track her, I'm the first person she calls when she's in trouble or needs help or advice... WHY does she run to her Dadu, hugging and crying, and all I get is a 'lick' on the cheek & not even a hug unless somebody makes her do it?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Birch St. Starbucks, shopping for a cruise dress, Laine in town, riding Barry's Roadie, Tutto Fresco 2night, awesome Christmas Eve Day 2009

Check out Laine to the right-I have always loved his smile.

Birch Street Promenade has some AWESOME shops, but FIRST...Daniece and I hit STARBUCKS! Where we saw 1/2 of Brea and people we knew!!
1st off, Laine came by after getting an oil change & going to Verizon. He's a nut.
We saw one of the Personal Trainers from Bally's there, then Daniece's daughter Gianna came by, then Daniece's friend Bill, then a coworker from Goodwill, Jose came by with some of his grandkids!
D & I went to the shop she's been meaning to try called "KANZ of CALIFORNIA" at 260 W. Birch St., Suite 8 in Brea. OMG, it's MY HEAVEN-SO many cute, CUTE things! Got 2 sweaters and a dress for about a C-note & D got some CUTE stuff too!!!
I dropped her off and decided I was gonna bite the bullet and take Barry's bike out for a spin-I had only ridden it the day we got it, so I didn't put it through its paces myself.
HOLY MERDE-that sucker ROCKS and sounds like 'Watch out, you have a hellhound (or the female equivalent) behind you!'.
I REALLY feel the part of the Alpha B--ch on THAT thing.

Of course I went by Best Buy and all I had to do was pull up and rev it and EVERYBODY knew who was out there on BARRY'S bike. He wagged his finger at me to say, "Now, now, be nice to my bike".
I was.
VERY nice.

We're talking a little Brea Canyon, a little freeway (0-80 in lightspeed!! I didn't even REALIZE it), a little city streets, and over to Daniece's to show it off. (Barry later said that I looked better on his bike than HE does, & I replied that he was absolutely correct EXCEPT that I'd still ride mine because he looks like an absolute DORK on my bike)
I WILL replace the windows I blew in when I rev'd Bub's bike.
Hope the insurance will cover it.

Tonight, Tutto Frescos (Laine and I will ride a bit and we'll stop by to say "Merry Christmas" to whoever's there and get dinner for Daddy.
Laine and I stopped in there, said a very Merry Christmas to the die-hards Joe, John R. and his daughter Jill!

Awesome day. AWESOME.
Then the ride tomorrow to Oak Glen!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Day ride to Oak Glen as suggested by 'Doc' Thomas

Leave sometime between 9 and 10, depending on when it gets to the 50 degrees mark, probably from the Denny's parking lot at Imperial and the 57 freeway.

Any takers, lemme know.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A weekend of riding and shopping ..."These are a few of my fav'rite things..."

Combine perfect riding weather and the 'need' for more stuff for the bikes, and you have a motorshopping weekend event.
Saturday, No Pork and now Sunday going to San Pedro/Port's O'Call and probably a few other places since I gave my chaps to my sis in law and my vest to my bro in law. (Oh, yeah, I need aerobic tennies too.)
Bub said 'let's take a run out to No Pork for some pegs' and we let a friend know. That turned into two friends then three friends, so we met Chuck at Starbucks in Brea (yeah, WHICH one, Lynne?! There are only, oh, SIX now...) then toodled on over to Richard's place where Stan was waiting also.
We were nasty. We were mean and nasty scofflaws. We ACTUALLY ONLY SLOWED THROUGH STOPSIGNS INSTEAD OF FULLY STOPPING. I love pushing the rules.
Anyway, we took a scenic back route to the 91 which worked out ok because I would glance at the 91 when we came close and noticed that OF COURSE the damn thing was going slower than all get out, but we got on at Gypsum Canyon and Richard led us to 2nd Street where Stan took over.
(Ok, this IS sarcasm, kinda) I mostly bought out the place (No Pork). Now, repeat the following to the tune of 'On The First Day Of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me'...
20 screw-in pinbacks, another spider bungee, 5 bikers shopping, 4 fleecy jackets, 3 pieces of advice, 2 No Pork T shirts, and a leather tank protector ordered. Below, Barry reacting to Brian telling him that new tires will cost around $600 for whitewalls. PSYCH!! Just kidding. Bub wants Bridgestones but PERSONALLY, I think Dunlop would be ok, but you know Barry-a manly man whose opinions I CANNOT change on certain things. I gotta hand it to Barry and the guys for getting EVERYTHING (except the leather tank thingy) into his two saddlebags! BUT they had everything stuffed so much that there wasn't room for the spider bungee, so my little tank bag had to take that. Luckily the tank bag 'telescopes' up.
A bargain-hunting celebration lunch at Miguel's was then had by all and a victory picture, with thanks to Richard for taking it. (No, Joe, not a Victory picture, a victory picture! We all went our separate ways and Bub and I went the back way towards Brea, but NOT without stopping at a really nice place for pie and coffee. You know the place...on the back way between Norco and Brea? Hmmm, off Merrill and Euclid? Hmmm, RIGHT BY AN AIRPORT??

Today (Sunday the 20th) will be a trip to San Pedro then some shopping for me for chaps and tennies.
Highs in the low-mid 70's, PERFECT. We gave 2 of those fleecy jackets to Ted and Rhoda, and they LOVED THEM. Bub's wearing his today. Thanks, NO PORK Boutique!!! Lemme know when you get some No Pork halter tops in, Lynn...
10:30 AM Sunday Dec. 20th 2009
I ZOOM home from class, blow dry my wet sweaty hair (I figure that since we'll be on the road, the smell won't be too bad), jump into my riding gear, CHECK and (anal, anal, ANAL).
CRAP, CRAP, CRAP-so we're getting ready to go, Ted & Rhoda on their trike and Eric & Michelle on the Suzuki cruiser (I think it's a suzuki, don't really care right now), and Eric all of a sudden loses the use of his clutch.

Ok, we're off, Eric and Michelle followed us in their car.
Port's o' Call is, well, kind of a shadow of its former heyday. Disappointing.
To the left is what MY bike feels like after riding Barry's! To the above right, well, do you notice where the trike is in relation to the handicapped parking sign? Hmmm...

What came next was a bit of a surprise-Lunch! Well, not the actual fact of lunch, but ROSCOE'S in Long Beach lunch!
To the above right, going over the Vincent Thomas Bridge.

Next stop, Cycle Gear to see if we can get some chaps for me. No go, tried on some, enh.
A friend of ours, Johney, suggested Lifestyle Cycles, so since it's right down the street, we went on the day that they were having their Christmas Harley bash with free food and beer. No, I didn't eat and drink, I was too busy feeling weird about having a Yamaha in a Harley parking lot. I also realized that I was taking my life in my hands wearing a No Pork t-shirt into a Harley place! Sometimes I amaze myself with stupidity.
I did get me some CHAPS. NICE CHAPS. Below. Had to take the pic of the chaps with the No Pork t-shirt. I think I'm getting bow-legged from my bike.

Next and last stop, Bub's work for his schedule and to schmooze with the folks and for me to use the facilities. (you know, 650? Light bike? Lotsa vibration? YEAH, you got it)
An awesome day, beautiful, see pics, I lucked out. PLUS Bub got 39 MPG on Saturday and 43 on Sunday. I got 52 and 60, BELIEVE it or not. I did the math twice.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Step Choreography, motorcycle trip choreography, they are my outlet, my fun, my self.

I'm setting up, working through choreography/step movements and music in between office tasks (so yeah, I'm combining two jobs within one mind, no sweat!) and realizing that I'm anal when it comes to aerobic choreography and music, and motorcycle trips. I realize that in some weird way, setting up aerobic choreography and motorcycle trips can each have some similar elements i.e. planning the way to go, whether it's on a bike or a plastic aerobic step: wearing the correct attire: having/bringing the correct equipment based on the activity, the people involved, the level of expertise of all parties....YUP, it all fits. At least it occupies my mind with something creative.

Tomorrow, Advanced Step class at Fullerton Bally's 8:15 AM then a little MC jaunt to No Pork to buy Bub some highway pegs and maybe look at some of those tank leather protection goodies for his MC that he wants, and maybe a little trip, get out and enjoy the weather while we can.
Friday for Saturday plan:
-Dress in stuff that a) will get me sweating EARLY, and b) that I can throw off the moment I hit the door, grab an EXTREMELY quick shower then put on jeans and MC gear and go pick up another MC friend and get on over to Norco.
-Have all music and choreography ready to go by the close of business today so all I have to do is throw on my workout stuff tomorrow morning at 6:45 AM and GO. This means I have to ALSO do some moderate field testing with the step choreography and look like a dork in my office at breaktime, doing 'step' moves without the step.
-Have all my clothes ready for both activities; gas up and wipe bike down; calc to see if I'll need tank bag, or will Bub's saddlebags work out if we go shopping or something. Plus have on clothing that's par for motorcycle riding and are easy to take off and on if we're shopping for motorcycle clothing...I mean, if I see an UNBELIEVEABLY jacket or something...
-Set up a smallish MC trip that is doable but will get us home by 5 pm aka dark aka when the temp starts to drop. OK, OK, just thought of something, need to shop and hunt for some leather chaps for me because my old ones do NOT fit anymore, you can only add so many holes to the belt part before you come back to the beginning and my chaps are that way now. The leather jackets I can swap with Barry now, but I need new bottoms, or I freeze. So I gotta look and see what leather chaps places are in the area, maybe Slappin' Leather in Temecula. Nice jaunt down the 15, maybe tool around that area, if I find some chaps then I can wear them and ride a little longer. Maybe even go over Ortega if we get done and it's still light, or MAYBE check out the shopping in front of Hell's Kitchen....hmmmm, that would combine BOTH worlds, MC trip and shopping!!! I LOVE it.
First things first: Step moves.
(and if you know 'step', you'll know what the nomenclature refers to. If not, the explanation in parens () will guide you. And if you REALLY don't know step, you'll be befuddled at the technical wording. Kinda like me when somebody talks about pulling a 'something' from a motorcycle...)

COMBO 1 32/64
1 'I' Step (up, up, jack out, jack in, down, down)
2 Over the top 'scissors'
1 Turn straddle/lunges
(turn straddle down R down L, up R, up L, lunge R, lunge L, double lunge R, down R, tap L)
repeat Left lead

MODIFICATION: 16 cts, would need to add 4 V-steps and 2 more Over Scissors and delete the single 'I' step for the above to work
"Double 'I' lunges"
Up, up, jack out, jack in, jack out, jack in (all while up on top of the step), lunge, lunge, down, down, jack out, jack in, jack out, jack in.

COMBO 2 64
1 slow V step (1/2 time)
1 repeater
1 slow V step
1 repeater
2 6-lunge Indecisions (up R, up L, lunge R, lunge L, lunge R, lunge L, lunge R, lunge L, down R, tap L)

COMBO 3 32/64
1 Basic lunges (up, up, lunge, lunge, down, down)
1 triple Mambo (mambo, ball-change, mambo, cha-cha-cha)
4 Kicks around the world
repeat L lead

COMBO 4 32/64
2 Charleston (single kicks)
1 Diagonal over
Walk around the corner to the left (or 1/2 hop pivot around the corner)
4 Turn steps
repeat Left lead

COMBO 5 32
1 Slow squat over R
2 Shuffle turns (from the front side, now)
1 Slow squat over L
2 shuffle turns

COMBO 6 32/64
1/2 Rocking horse L-steps off the end then back to the side, left lead
Slow Squat over (end up on front side, right lead)
Indecision (end up on back side, left lead)
2 Mambo cha-chas
repeat Left lead

COMBO 7 32/64
2 over scissors (to put class into position for the horseshoe)
1 horseshoe (turn straddle turn, finish on left foot, front side)
1 helicopter (2 diagonal 1/2 hop pivots, end up in same place)
2 shuffle turns
repeat Left lead from the front side

Knee lift L step (right foot off the left end)
March fwd 3 & tap, march back 3 & tap (so that you are in position right next to the end of the step)
Across the top (the long way)
Tap up, tap down
6 Marches (or jogs) across the top
Down, tap
Knee lift L step from the end to the back side, tap.
repeat Left lead

ESOTERIC REPEATERS, all change the lead legs
REGULAR-3 knee repeater, down, down
2-knee repeater-Up, knee-knee, down, down, up, up, lunge, lunge, down, down, jumping jack in, jack out
4 knee repeater-Up, knee-knee-knee-knee, down, down, up, up, down, down, jumping jack in, jack out
"5 X 5" 5 knee repeater with a basic-Up, knee-knee-knee-knee-knee, down, down, basic up/up/down/down.
"7 & 7" or "7-sie" 7-knee repeater, just like the regular except an extra 4 knees are thrown in there...
Up, 7 knees, down, down.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Close (VERY close) family member has either chronic kidney disease or kidney failure.

2009 is beginning to look a lot like Hell.
And YES, I mean 2009. We don't know about 2010, but I do know and have seen 2009.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The MONTH from hell so far

It's been 1 1/2 weeks since December 1st, the beginning of the month.
A very black day.

I'm sad. Very sad.
But also scared. It's not pride, it's fear. I never thought I'd be so afraid of the unknown, but I am.
Is it safer to not know, to continue with the status quo and hope for a miracle on the other side, or swallow one's pride and run the risk of finding out forever no more?
I don't know. I think I'm doing right to allow space & time, but how much time? How much space?
I feel like I just need a sign, some indication that I'm, well, that stuff happens to everyone and that everyone is human. We all fuck up our lives and sometimes others', but they don't stay screwed up because of us being human.
Do they?

This is just whirling around in my brain a lot these days.
I hurt.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

'Watch The Kill Switch', good info provided by Gary Felkel

Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle. ...............
Learned from experience.
1. Do not use the kill switch to stop your bike.
2. Do not get distracted by police pulling over another biker with ape hangers or any thing else.
3. Do not then run into a resturant for a long lunch leaving your key in the bike and especially turned on.
1.Dead battery
2. As a result of either trying to push start or jumping the main fusable link is blown and I did not have a spare.
3. Must get a tow truck , at the same time it is getting dark and rainy.
4. Tow truck obviously does not cater to bikes with only 2 straps both oily and old to tie down your bike on a oily, slippery truck bed.
5. Gettin home 3 hours later finally and after tow truck leaves finding a large oil puddle from the tow truck in your driveway.
6. Bike was fixed the next day with a $1.98 fuse. (bought a spare).
Lesson learned... Check key before you leave your bike!!!! Watch using that kill switch. Have all the spare fuses .
My thanks to Glenn, Charley, Carol, Brian that tried to get me going and stayed as long as they could. Sent them home before it started raining.

Thank you, Gary, for that marvelous description of what NOT to do. I'll DEFINITELY take it to heart and soul.

In IT we have an acronym...

Maybe we should have a modified acronym...

*Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
**Problem Exists Between Ignition And Saddle

The week from HELL 12-07 to 12-11-09

This week sucks.
1. One of our managers/directors and a coworker of mine, known him for years, passed away suddenly Tuesday morning. This was Shock #1.
2. One of our workers at my work, a much-loved person whom I had seen every single day at work, passed away suddenly on Tuesday afternoon. Now this was Shock #2.
3. A VERY close family member went into the hospital on (I think) Tuesday morning with pneumonia. She's hooked up to IV's up the kazoo and can't really move because it'll set off alarms. Came on really suddenly, within a 24 hour period. So far, Shock #3.
4. My old boss and a good friend has been admitted to the hospital for testing and checking out some health issues. I'm starting not to like this stuff-Shock #4.
5. ANOTHER Manager in my Division (and a good friend to Barry and I) was admitted on Tuesday (what IS it with Tuesday?) to the hospital for heart issues and is hoping to get out today-he just felt weird palpitations so they admitted him and have been doing uber amounts of tests. He had had an TIA about 8 months ago or so, so this is scary. He kept it really quiet, I just accidentally found out. You know, for all this to go on 2 weeks before Christmas...Shock #5

I'm really glad I'm already 'out there', otherwise I'd fall into a heap of mush.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Internat'l Motorcycle Show 12-5 & 12-6 2009 (the days I'm working it for the Women's Motorcycle Foundation)

I came, I volunteered, it was AWESOME. Sue Slate emailed me awhile ago asking for volunteers, and of course I said yes. Of COURSE. 'Quack'.
(more on that later, 'way 'WAY below)
I worked it Saturday from 5-8 PM and Sunday from 10 AM-1 PM. Bit of a schedule change but I'm flexible, especially for a great worthy cause! I DIDN'T, however, ride Lambie, because a) I might've bought some stuff that I couldn't take home (yeah, right, there isn't really ANYTHING I can't take home if I put my mind to it!) b) my chaps are too big, so if any guys who are bigger around the waist and maybe average height, lemme know, and c) I HATE cold, especially if it's under 54 degrees. IT WAS under 54 degrees when I'd come home on Saturday or go on Sunday, plus I came directly from class on Sunday morning and DIDN'T FEEL LIKE wearing my gear to aerobics at 8AM, changing into shorts, tennies & T-shirt, then showering and changing BACK into my riding gear. It was just easier to take an outfit and change into it.
To the above left is/are another volunteer/seminar presenter, "Trapper" and I. Trapper gave a GREAT seminar on 'What To Expect At The Basic Rider Course'. She's a RideCoach and trains riders.

I feel so weird because I REALLY don't have a special 'name' or moniker, except, hmmm, maybe I can use "Alpha B".

The first thing I did when I got there was go over to the Yamaha STAR area-I wanted to check out the new STAR models and saw Rick Sherrill standing there chatting with some guy in a mustache. Rick introduced me and this gentleman (whom I've heard of but had never met) and I had a really great LONG conversation! (See 'way below for the pic of he and I)
I saw this tricked-out Raider, below-it's the Ken Griffey, Jr. special Raider. Note the signed baseballs in the tank.

The WMF was at the Women's Center where all sorts of riding gear, helmets and seminars were available for women to check out, try on, see how different the gear is and how it's specifically made for our shapes. I've had a couple of instances where I had to buy men's XL JUST to get the damn thing around my hips, so it FLOATED on my torso, the sleeves came down to my fingertips, and so the elbow and shoulder pads were below my elbow and shoulder. Not good.
We weren't selling the clothing, we were giving information re: looking for the correct fit and gear, plus tips on helmets (did you know that when you wear your helmet, if you sweat, the grunge stays in there, so a microfiber headwrap is the way to go, PLUS it keeps your hairdo better than just the helmet! Oh, YEAH. That's what I'M talking about.
Seminars included "Space-the Final Frustration" (packing intelligently for a MC trip presented by 'Pink'): "Dual Sportbike Riding" (presented on the mainstage by Sue); "Riding the Twisties" (put on by Walt Fulton from Streetmasters, below left). His 'Twisties" seminar was pretty much about late apex turns in curves & was awesome. You can see my 'take' on late apex turns at

The pic above right is Walt, Nancy Foote and I-they run Streetmasters. I've heard extremely great things about them and the program.

Some info about the Women’s Motorcyclist
Foundation, Inc.
WMF is not a club, it’s a 501(c)3 charitable, networking and educational organization. In
existence since 1984, WMF, Inc. began its work by hosting multi-day gatherings to share and enhance the riding, mechanical and touring skills of and with women motorcyclists.
In 1993, WMF, Inc began its efforts towards the eradication of breast cancer. Through the Women's Arctic Tour – Ride for Research, four national PONY EXPRESS TOURS involving women and men from around the country plus a program billed as ON TRACK FOR A CURE, well over two million dollars has been raised to fight breast cancer. To date, WMF, inc has raised over 2.2 million dollars to aid in the fight against breast cancer. Check our website to see how you can get involved.

To the right, the CUTEST helmet! Reminds me of Marge Cunningham's mouse ears on her helmet (which, by the way, one fell off)

Above, a picture of a gentleman who is also a motor (short way of saying 'motor officer' with Baldwin Park PD and a member of STAR Chapter 109, & also somehow affiliated with STAR International, Vince Greva.

To the right, above, is a future motorcyclist/leather lover, following in her mother's bootsteps.
On Sunday I DID run into Wayne and Bill from Chapter 230, plus saw Marge and Colin Cunningham at the STAR area. Marge looks SO good. She invited me (again) to come ride with them, and since I love all those guys (Marge, Colin, Leonard who will be President, Connie, and Joyce, oh yeah, SORRY Tony B!), I think that Bub and I will check them out. I've ridden with them before, so I know their MO.

NOW, about the QUACK.
Sue and Trapper cornered me because I (I guess) I had shown promise as a budding volunteer (I took pics and videod some of their seminars), so Sue had me repeat after her:
"Quack, Quack".
I was now obliged to FOLLOW Momma Duck (Sue) into that realm known as Active Volunteerism, BECAUSE I didn't DUCK. Get it?!
Dang, got nailed again.