Monday, March 2, 2009

Just a general observation about my working out habits.

If I'm going to work out, I really damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, whether or not I have the proper gear. Usually I do 60-90 minutes on the recumbent bike (ok, ok, I had been slacking off lately-must have something to do with SAD*) The routines are pretty good-punch R, punch L, punch R, side kick; or punch R-L-R-L, kick right, do a 'switch' with the legs, kick left. I tend to really get into it, and I was sweating bullets after only 1/2 hour.
BUT if I forget something that's kinda necessary for the class, oh, say, some boxing gloves, I'll still do the punches/jabs/crosses onto the big freestanding bag. I'll just suffer for it later. And I am.
I did a kickboxing/boxing class on Thursday (took it, didn't teach it) and when I got there, realized I forgot the gloves. I got some but another member of the gym came to take the class, and so since I get the class for free, I gave those gloves up to him. In that half hour class, I was extremely motivated to punch the HOLY SHIT outta that bag, I mean SLAM PUNCHES INTO THAT BAG. Not sure why. Thursday night. 6:30-7 PM. Last Thursday of the month. Hmmmmm....

It looks worse than it is (doesn't really hurt) because on yesterday's ride, my gloves kinda got sweaty, so I'd take them off, put them on, take them off, and all that rubbed my owies a little rawer.
This is the left hand-my left is usually more 'dead on' and stronger than my right. Why my left arm/hand is stronger I'm not really sure, but it may have something to do with my weight balanced mostly on my right leg which is back, so that I have lots of momentum to bring it forward and the kick the living shit out of whatever's in front of me. Here's the proof that my left hand/arm is stronger. The dark red spots are where my knuckles REALLY came in contact with the punching bag. My right hand only has two owies-between the index finger/middle finger, and between the middle finger/ring finger.
Now you know why people wear boxing gloves.
I like that class. Gonna go again Tuesday night.

*Seasonal Affective Disorder-where you get tired, run down, kinda melancholy because there's not as much daylight available.

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