Thursday, December 24, 2009

Birch St. Starbucks, shopping for a cruise dress, Laine in town, riding Barry's Roadie, Tutto Fresco 2night, awesome Christmas Eve Day 2009

Check out Laine to the right-I have always loved his smile.

Birch Street Promenade has some AWESOME shops, but FIRST...Daniece and I hit STARBUCKS! Where we saw 1/2 of Brea and people we knew!!
1st off, Laine came by after getting an oil change & going to Verizon. He's a nut.
We saw one of the Personal Trainers from Bally's there, then Daniece's daughter Gianna came by, then Daniece's friend Bill, then a coworker from Goodwill, Jose came by with some of his grandkids!
D & I went to the shop she's been meaning to try called "KANZ of CALIFORNIA" at 260 W. Birch St., Suite 8 in Brea. OMG, it's MY HEAVEN-SO many cute, CUTE things! Got 2 sweaters and a dress for about a C-note & D got some CUTE stuff too!!!
I dropped her off and decided I was gonna bite the bullet and take Barry's bike out for a spin-I had only ridden it the day we got it, so I didn't put it through its paces myself.
HOLY MERDE-that sucker ROCKS and sounds like 'Watch out, you have a hellhound (or the female equivalent) behind you!'.
I REALLY feel the part of the Alpha B--ch on THAT thing.

Of course I went by Best Buy and all I had to do was pull up and rev it and EVERYBODY knew who was out there on BARRY'S bike. He wagged his finger at me to say, "Now, now, be nice to my bike".
I was.
VERY nice.

We're talking a little Brea Canyon, a little freeway (0-80 in lightspeed!! I didn't even REALIZE it), a little city streets, and over to Daniece's to show it off. (Barry later said that I looked better on his bike than HE does, & I replied that he was absolutely correct EXCEPT that I'd still ride mine because he looks like an absolute DORK on my bike)
I WILL replace the windows I blew in when I rev'd Bub's bike.
Hope the insurance will cover it.

Tonight, Tutto Frescos (Laine and I will ride a bit and we'll stop by to say "Merry Christmas" to whoever's there and get dinner for Daddy.
Laine and I stopped in there, said a very Merry Christmas to the die-hards Joe, John R. and his daughter Jill!

Awesome day. AWESOME.
Then the ride tomorrow to Oak Glen!!!

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