Monday, February 16, 2009

License Plate holders I'd been thinking of...

LICENSE PLATE HOLDER IDEAS (the ones with stars in front are my faves)
Unfortunately, my license plate area is too 'weird', so only the bottom of the plate would show, but still...
The ideas with 2 lines are for a license plate holder top and bottom; the one liners are for the bottom only.
For some reason, I'm beginning to REALLY like that Alpha Bxxch moniker...

*Motorcycles kick ass

*Alpha Bxxch on board

*V-Twin Alpha Bxxch (or "Metric Alpha Bxxch")

B'fast of Bipolarity

*Yamaha, take me away

*If my hangover isn't 2 bad
I do sit-ups.

*Scotty can't beam me up
The 'cycle won't fit

aren't just pretty words

I believe in looking reality straight in the eye
and denying it.

*Normal is just a cycle on
the washing machine

*If at first you don't succeed,
destroy all evidence that you tried

Whisper my favorite words:
"I'll buy it for you."

*How do I set a
laser printer to stun?

Put on your seatbelt...
I wanna try something

*Smith & Wesson: The original
GUI point and click interface

Everything in excess-
moderation is for monks

barada nicktoe

*Indecision is the
key to flexibility

LANCOME-Learn it,
Know it, Live it.

Do not start with me.
You will not win

*"There are only 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

*The biggest sin is
sitting on your ass

If you can laugh at it,
you can live with it

Humor is just another defense
against the universe.

Tell the truth-it's the funniest
joke in the world

Laughter: the shortest distance
between two people

The mind: a woman's most
erogenous zone

Service to others is the rent you pay
for your room here on earth.

Wrinkles should merely indicate
where smiles have been

Desire, Ask, Believe, Receive

Earth: the lunatic asylum
of the solar system

And my birthday is in March.

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