Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Knott's on Veteran's Day November 11th, 2009-a really nice day out!

The real reason I went to Knott's, besides shopping and a few rides...I hadn't been able to get this doggone thing OUT of my mind for weeks!!!

The bad stuff first:
Regular parking is $12; good parking (under Ghostrider) is now $20.
A funnel cake with powdered sugar only is $7.75. A BOTTLE OF WATER IS $4.

Now the great stuff:
Bub and I went, got there & I had stuff I planned on doing come hell or high water (Ghostrider, Jaguar, funnel cake, Bigfoot rapids, and shopping) so we got there around 10:20 AM, went on Ghostrider then to the Wild West Stunt Show (VERY cute, I recommend it!) and I got a call from JH saying he was there. We met up, went on Jaguar then went on Montezooma's Revenge. Johney got a call from Stan so we met up with Stan and Connie Partin by the LogRide, then Stan got a call from Chuck who met us also over there, and so on, and so on...
We walked around then Chuck, Stan and I went on Bigfoot Rapids. Guess who got the most soaked... This was a GREAT pic by Barry, by the way, because you can SEE the water droplets!
Group photo above, with Stan, Chuck and Lynne all wet.
Chuck mentioned that Applebee's was having the Vet's promo, Johney called and found out there was only a 30 minute wait time at the La Habra location, so we left Knott's and tooled on over there. A guy was inteviewing Vets outside of Applebees and doing a live audio feed to a website and interviewed Barry then Johney.
THESE guys pass up a free meal? Not bloody likely!
A pretty damn good day, after all.

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