Thursday, October 30, 2008

The October 30 meeting of the FOS will now come to order...NOT!

Bike Nite. Blake's BBQ. October 30th, 2008. 'Nuff said.
The usual gang of ne'er-do-wells showed up, with one add-on. (me)
Barry, Tommy, Rick, John a friend, Eric, Stan the Man, Richard, Johney, his cousin Cody, John R, (what, 3 JOHNS? That's gonna confuse a bit) and Joe. Johney brought his cousin Cody from Texas (see above)-he rented a Harley (oh, the SHAME! The HUMANITY!!) Somebody at the table mentioned that it looked like a Yamaha sale outside of Blake's. Naw...ain't happening.
To the right is the man of the hour (or rather, the man of the minute), our Leader Stan, unfortunately sitting across from Tommy. Tommy has his mouth open. As usual.
What is UP with that Harley in front? It should be pushed into the back-by the dumpster. (oh, sorry Cody, now I realize it's just a rental.)

See the foot coming out of Rick's bike? What, does he think he'll get hungry on Halloween? I knew there was something weird about a person who drives a SmartCar.

Yes, these are all four separate pictures below-whatintheworld is that pose that Cody and Johney have going on? Must be a southern family-type thing, like that's where they keep their wallets and they have to hold onto them when around family. Ok, below left, Cody and Johney relaxed. (or they put their wallets in their bikes)

Rick showed up and was unceremoniously UN-voted in (the FOS are pretty casual & laid-back about such niceties) but he still said some nice things on the Forum. He unfortunately says he gave membership dues to Stan before finding out that the FOS don't HAVE membership dues. Stan scores again.

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