Friday, September 11, 2009

We are FINALLY going on a STAR ride with the Riverside 345 folks.

A PREAMBLE, of sorts. If you're not interested in words of more than 2 syllables, just pictures, then you can skip this part.
After having been away for, oh, say, 10 MONTHS from ANY STAR ride, we have decided (with arm twisting by a certain STAR member of 230 who is going to the 345 bash whose inits happen to be GREGG) to show up at the 345 ride and party. Not that we want to just show up and eat the free food, etc, mind you. We felt really weird about that part, but assurances came flying thickly that it didn't matter, plus it was mentioned that any members of 230 who hadn't been on a 345 ride could always wait on tables. I WILL then bring my daughter's waiter apron & call their bluff.
(Now, I'm talking 'we' about Barry and I, not 'we' in the royal sense, as the Queen of England embodies the entire country and always refers to herself as 'we'. It CAN become a habit with us. though.)
Since I'm known to be a very ANAL AB, I've plotted the temperatures for tomorrow for the potential route (Corona/Wildomar/Fallbrook/Temecula/Corona, I'm just guessing here)
so as to figure out the best clothing choices. Since it'll be a tad cool in the morning at 7:45, going thru the canyon on the 91 and in Corona, I don't want to be loaded down with a leather jacket, if a couple of smaller layers will do the trick. Bub's saddlebags only hold so much, you know? and I STILL have to pack my partywear, i.e. a 'skort' (shorts and a skirt combined) and flip flops. The weather will be BEAUTIFUL, high 70's to low 80's, BETTER than going down San Diego way to HIGH TEMPS of 75-77, which, in my own personal opinion, is just a tad cool for me, flying down almost ALL FREEWAY at 75 MPH. (which reminds me-how far up does De Luz Road go? Does it go to Idyllwild? I did not KNOW that!) Of course, we can ride in anything except snow and Hell. I HAVE heard in the past from one or two of my 'muttz' that my ABAF's (Alpha Bitch Ass Fryer) can be considered as close to the fire as one can get without melting tires or flesh. Hey, I'M here to ride, not bitch about the weather. Get it?
THE THING IS, to 'vest' or not to 'vest'? in that my vest is SO BIG now that it flaps in the breeze when I wear it, which is VERY VERY annoying, not to mention uncomfortable at times. I think I'll bring it and maybe only wear it on the way to the muster place.
To be continued after the ride, when I get my pics downloaded...

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