(more on that later, 'way 'WAY below)
I worked it Saturday from 5-8 PM and Sunday from 10 AM-1 PM. Bit of a schedule change but I'm flexible, especially for a great worthy cause! I DIDN'T, however, ride Lambie, because a) I might've bought some stuff that I couldn't take home (yeah, right, there isn't really ANYTHING I can't take home if I put my mind to it!) b) my chaps are too big, so if any guys who are bigger around the waist and maybe average height, lemme know, and c) I HATE cold, especially if it's under 54 degrees. IT WAS under 54 degrees when I'd come home on Saturday or go on Sunday, plus I came directly from class on Sunday morning and DIDN'T FEEL LIKE wearing my gear to aerobics at 8AM, changing into shorts, tennies & T-shirt, then showering and changing BACK into my riding gear. It was just easier to take an outfit and change into it.
To the above left is/are another volunteer/seminar presenter, "Trapper" and I. Trapper gave a GREAT seminar on 'What To Expect At The Basic Rider Course'. She's a RideCoach and trains riders.
I feel so weird because I REALLY don't have a special 'name' or moniker, except, hmmm, maybe I can use "Alpha B".
The first thing I did when I got there was go over to the Yamaha STAR area-I wanted to check out the new STAR models and saw Rick Sherrill standing there chatting with some guy in a mustache. Rick introduced me and this gentleman (whom I've heard of but had never met) and I had a really great LONG conversation! (See 'way below for the pic of he and I)
I saw this tricked-out Raider, below-it's the Ken Griffey, Jr. special Raider. Note the signed baseballs in the tank.
We weren't selling the clothing, we were giving information re: looking for the correct fit and gear, plus tips on helmets (did you know that when you wear your helmet, if you sweat, the grunge stays in there, so a microfiber headwrap is the way to go, PLUS it keeps your hairdo better than just the helmet! Oh, YEAH. That's what I'M talking about.
Seminars included "Space-the Final Frustration" (packing intelligently for a MC trip presented by 'Pink'): "Dual Sportbike Riding" (presented on the mainstage by Sue); "Riding the Twisties" (put on by Walt Fulton from Streetmasters, below left). His 'Twisties" seminar was pretty much about late apex turns in curves & was awesome. You can see my 'take' on late apex turns at http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=1987800715075266325&postID=4631942931320240340
The pic above right is Walt, Nancy Foote and I-they run Streetmasters. I've heard extremely great things about them and the program. http://www.streetmasters.info/
Some info about the Women’s Motorcyclist
Foundation, Inc.
WMF is not a club, it’s a 501(c)3 charitable, networking and educational organization. In
existence since 1984, WMF, Inc. began its work by hosting multi-day gatherings to share and enhance the riding, mechanical and touring skills of and with women motorcyclists.
In 1993, WMF, Inc began its efforts towards the eradication of breast cancer. Through the Women's Arctic Tour – Ride for Research, four national PONY EXPRESS TOURS involving women and men from around the country plus a program billed as ON TRACK FOR A CURE, well over two million dollars has been raised to fight breast cancer. To date, WMF, inc has raised over 2.2 million dollars to aid in the fight against breast cancer. Check our website to see how you can get involved. http://www.womensmotorcyclistfoundation.org/about_us.html
To the right, above, is a future motorcyclist/leather lover, following in her mother's bootsteps.
On Sunday I DID run into Wayne and Bill from Chapter 230, plus saw Marge and Colin Cunningham at the STAR area. Marge looks SO good. She invited me (again) to come ride with them, and since I love all those guys (Marge, Colin, Leonard who will be President, Connie, and Joyce, oh yeah, SORRY Tony B!), I think that Bub and I will check them out. I've ridden with them before, so I know their MO.
NOW, about the QUACK.
Sue and Trapper cornered me because I (I guess) I had shown promise as a budding volunteer (I took pics and videod some of their seminars), so Sue had me repeat after her:
"Quack, Quack".
I was now obliged to FOLLOW Momma Duck (Sue) into that realm known as Active Volunteerism, BECAUSE I didn't DUCK. Get it?!
Dang, got nailed again.
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