Thursday, December 10, 2009

'Watch The Kill Switch', good info provided by Gary Felkel

Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle. ...............
Learned from experience.
1. Do not use the kill switch to stop your bike.
2. Do not get distracted by police pulling over another biker with ape hangers or any thing else.
3. Do not then run into a resturant for a long lunch leaving your key in the bike and especially turned on.
1.Dead battery
2. As a result of either trying to push start or jumping the main fusable link is blown and I did not have a spare.
3. Must get a tow truck , at the same time it is getting dark and rainy.
4. Tow truck obviously does not cater to bikes with only 2 straps both oily and old to tie down your bike on a oily, slippery truck bed.
5. Gettin home 3 hours later finally and after tow truck leaves finding a large oil puddle from the tow truck in your driveway.
6. Bike was fixed the next day with a $1.98 fuse. (bought a spare).
Lesson learned... Check key before you leave your bike!!!! Watch using that kill switch. Have all the spare fuses .
My thanks to Glenn, Charley, Carol, Brian that tried to get me going and stayed as long as they could. Sent them home before it started raining.

Thank you, Gary, for that marvelous description of what NOT to do. I'll DEFINITELY take it to heart and soul.

In IT we have an acronym...

Maybe we should have a modified acronym...

*Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
**Problem Exists Between Ignition And Saddle

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