They sent this reminder at 1:13 AM????? Huh?
There's a link that you can click on to change or cancel your appt. That was the FIRST thing I looked at before giving myself a shake and telling myself that it's no good putting it off, just get it done and be self-righteous the rest of the day.
I'm gonna wear short sleeves so that people can SEE I gave blood. Plus long sleeved shirts, rolled up, can cut off blood flow, not be good for the sphygmomanometer (aka blood pressure cuff little metal round thingy with numbers that measures your systolic and diastolic B/P), and might show blood, even though I have a GREAT clotting factor.
It stems from when my mom took me for my first blood test to the local lab where they draw blood, I think I was 11 or so, and she dropped me off at the lab and told me, “Just do what they tell you to do”. I had NO IDEA what I was in for. I never liked needles anyway. When I was in the hospital in 2nd grade with pneumonia, a couple of nurses came by, and I was really glad to see them UNTIL I saw the needle, then I starting freaking out and stuff and it took me a couple of nurses to kind of hold me down. You can imagine I carried that memory with me when I went to that local lab. My mom was SUCH a wuss, she didn’t even come in, just let me go in by myself and I CRIED, lemme tell you. At least I went in with my son & daughter (still do with my daughter if she needs me to).
I still get a bit woozy and apprehensive but I don’t freak any more. Or that much anyway, or maybe I'm such a great actress that it doesn't show. I do know that I become a motormouth and tell jokes just to occupy my mind. Maybe it comes with having IV’s in me on various occasions, like surgery, childbirth, junk like that. In those cases I can kinda ‘take’ the inevitable, but when it’s a CHOICE, then I still kinda freak. A little. Note to self-get some 'blood drive' jokes to tell, like, "Why did you become a phlebotomist? Did you play World of Warcraft a lot when you were growing up and you just like blood?"
There’s two reasons that I try to remember whenever I give blood:
It’ll do someone somewhere some good, and
There are cookies afterwards.
I did this last year also-see link
This year I didn't do so well-I got woozy and stayed kind of woozy for the rest of the day.
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