NOTE TO SELF-ALWAYS PARK ON AN EVEN SURFACE. Since my legs are so short, when I park on an angle, one leg doesn't go down to the ground well enough for me to push my bike back. I feel stupid. I DO need to lower my seat or get a flatter seat for my bike.
We started out from Denny's and it was getting warm in Brea. Boy, did THAT change when we were on Azusa Rd. Here we stopped where 3 roads come together. Left is Barry, of course, with a ciggie in his hand.
Notice how my bike is 'listing' more to the port side than Barry's? That's what I meant when I was commenting on the need to part on a frikkin' flat surface.
RE: the scenic pic above-above, I took that JUST BEFORE that plane came around the hill on the right and aimed right toward us. It was a stunt plane you could tell, kinda yellow-ish.
The nice thing about my tool kit is that I actually had a wrench that was needed. Barry has an area for storage stuff where he keeps the paperwork, but it's not very big, so we use mine. Of course, he has his saddlebags which has room for lots of shopping stuff.
Lunchtime at the Mt. Baldy restaurant. Bub had a REALLY nice, thick turkey and swiss, Johney had a grilled chicken quesadilla and I had the chicken caesar, plus 2 pieces of JH's quesadilla. I will explain. One time when we were out all together, I was looking at Barry's food with that puppy dog at the table look, and they both commented that whatever a woman orders for herself, she STILL wants some of the guys'. So this time I just didn't touch my salad but looked at the quesadilla. (I didn't necessarily WANT any of it, just wanted to bug them.) They both laughed and Johney loaded up my plate with two pieces. That thing was huge, it was 6 pieces of a large quesadilla and each piece looked like the size of a piece of pizza. It was THAT huge. Our comfort level is very high, great friendship.
The roads we took up were Azusa Rd (from the 210); East Fork Rd; stopped at the 3-road fork for pics and because EVERYBODY always stops there, then took the east road, Glendora Ridge Road to Mt. Baldy, lunch at the restaurant and then I wanted to go back west on Glendora Ridge Road then down 'Spastic Colon Road' aka Glendora Mountain Road. We had a consensus-type chat and decided to go down Mt. Baldy road. As usual, the 'children' behind me (because of the kid-like way they did the following) saw the tunnel, ZOOMED by me to get into the tunnel first. I must explain that both those 'kids' DO NOT have stock pipes, but rather extremely loud suckers whose noise levels go UP in an enclosed space. Like in a tunnel. Whosoever is BEHIND them gets the brunt of the noise. Unfortunately, on Mt. Baldy Road, there are TWO tunnels, which they knew from our previous ride a year ago. They backed off their throttles, then GUNNED it. The decibel level HAD to be above 100. Gee, thanks a lot guys, you almost cracked my windshield AND my eardrums. After the tunnels they waited a little bit ahead for me to come up to them and when I passed them and got situated, I gave them the AB salute. You know. They were grinning-wretched muttz, so childlike in some ways. I'll get THEM sometime.
Coming down Mt. Baldy road, I kinda blew it by not taking the sharp-ish left towards San Antonio Heights and Euclid Ave, so we continued down Mt. Baldy Road to Mills St. to Baseline west and got onto the 210 freeway at Towne Ave to the 57 and then homeward bound. Not sure what time we got home but I DO know that it was early enough to a) not have the sun in our eyes going west, and b) early enough to do more yardwork.
Next time I'm NOT gonna listen to ANYBODY and take the second route that I planned. That way I'll be too tired to do anything else that day.
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