Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chapter 230 Holiday Party 11-22-08

Yep, it was the same day as the ASMI training I had in Irvine, so I had to dress one way for the training (with a MC helmet coming off/going on/coming off/going on, but that's addressed in the ASMI blog) and then bring clothes for the party. I'm lucky I didn't have to bring my bike to the training-almost everybody ELSE did (except the trainers). It was a pain in the butt, trying to change, but I DID it!

Bub arrived around 4:30, I got there around 4:45 and changed in the restaurant's restroom. Went around as usual taking pictures because I HATE to stand around yakking about motorcycles when I'm actually trying to figure out what's in the goodie bags! Tom can't decide whether to be an elf or an Angel fan. I DO know that the Angel "A" on his cap in NO WAY is indicative of him. Trust me on that.

Some folks came in shirts and slacks, some with ties, doggone Barbano below came in a jacket and tie. Like, DUDE, it's a party not a job interview! But he still looked nice.
Gail to the left-Ken, Richard, Gail & Don below; John R, Marsha and Dan right below.

Here's a little thingy I whipped out in 10 minutes-you can tell.

The ladies were glittery, the guys were jittery, (not being used to a non-vest dress code),
Cocktails were flowing, mouths were a-going, on how the year went as a whole.

The year's pictures were posted, our Chapter 230 was toasted, the whole room was holiday aglow,
We sat down to eat, each platter was a treat, with saurkraut and meats just so.

Then Dan got up, after we'd supped, and recognized those who were crew,
They stood to a man when called, with pride in all and their manly chests grew.

Dan was touched by his present, he thought it most pleasant
and thanked us one and all.

The gift exchange started off, three times ended the hand-off,

And it all ended too early. (ok, so I didn't rhyme 'all'-so sue me)

To the below right, Rick thought he got a REALLY nifty shirt...until Ed's ticket was called. Goodbye, shirt, hello Hickory Farms pack.

Below, the very first unwrapped gift-a Harley engine! (but the eagle on it was pretty darn cool). BTW, Barry was the first number called. Below that, Ken Indorf doing his "Captain Morgan" imitation.

Ken, Carol and Jenny: Barry and I with Tomy Two Tone's fingers intruding into what would otherwise be a nice picture;

The goodie table; Our fearless leader of FOS, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Partin:

Above, hey Joe finally made it! Below, a really neat cake-tasted pretty good, too!They're talking about something motorcycles, you can BET on that. (both pics)

Why do Glen and Jerry look so GLAD to be here? and finally, 'way below, a video of the whole group.

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