It's been requested that post some of the bloomin' pictures I've been taking all along! So here's my first official EVENT/ACTIVITY BLOG POST of 2011-the Naval Flight Centennial on Saturday Feb. 12th at the Naval Air Station Coronado. It's going to take a few days to get the pictures in here because it's been a long time since I fiddled around with this sucker.
If I had KNOWN what a BITCH it would've been to get into that place, I seriously might've reconsidered. It could've competed as being San Diego's SECOND ZOO.
I did end up TOTALLY HONING my lane splitting skills. It was a question of survival, i.e. would I have survived being in bumper to bumper traffic for 2 hours going into to Coronado Island and 3 hours of bumper to bumper traffic LEAVING Coronado Island?
I'll let the pictures come onto to this first, then give a longer blow-by-blow after the pics; that way, the reader can choose to check out the before, during and after planning, any caveats, stuff like that AFTER they view the photos.
Ok, here's the GOOD video. (UCAS)

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