Sunday, July 4, 2010

Chapter 422's Pre-ride to Palomar Mtn. June 12th, 2010 and the official 'birth' of the "Pit Bull Wearing a Chihuahua Suit On A Minibike"

Beautiful weather, nice ride, nice destination, and of course STARBUCKS towards the end, always!
Started great, made a name for myself (or rather THEY made a name for me), saw Chapter leadership in action, learned a lot, you know, the usual great day of riding.
Leonard and Sissy have EVERYTHING for first aid, Michael likes snakes, Dan just kicks back.
Another short explanation:
-422 Pre-ride for Palomar Mountain June 12th.
-422 Regular ride for Palomar Mountain SUPPOSED TO BE June 19th, but found out from the bicyclist guy (whom we gave first aid to-he was experiencing anaphylactic shock, passed out behind the wheel of his SUV, we did the EMT thing) that there was a hill climb bike challenge on the 19th at Palomar so the 422 ride 6-19 ended up to Big Bear via 15-138-18 etc then back down 18-330-210-15 etc.
-422 Pre-ride for Palomar Take Two was Saturday July 3rd same day as 230's Mt. Pinos ride. I was TORN, believe me, TORN. (see 230 Mt. Pinos post for my decision)
-422 Palomar ride scheduled for Saturday July 17th.

Leonard sent the route out, Collin followed up with his wonderful turn-by-turn Publisher file, so I had a pretty good idea of where we were going and the temperatures thereof. I HATE HATE HATE HATE to be cold!
This trip was especially important riding-wise in that last year's Palomar ride was less than wonderful because I really started doubting my riding around then, so I wanted to see how it'd be on this trip.
On this trip we were to go UP the back way then DOWN the front way, the 'spastic colon' twisty way. I personally would've preferred the twisty way UP, but hey, I'm game and up for almost anything.

Route overview:
-Met up at Wingstuff
-Ortega Hwy to Grand/Clinton Keith for gas and Starbucks (GOD I love this group!!!);
-Thru Temecula around 79 to Lake Henshaw cafe/resort
 (pretty good food), DIDN'T fall over, was christened;
-Up the back Palomar Road which seemed like we were riding thru some low clouds, it got cold, misty/foggy, just like going thru a cloud, WISH I could've taken a picture, I really really do;
-Stopped at the observatory (where it was sunny and warm!!). Here is a link where, in the middle of the page, you can download an audio tour free as an mp3 to an iPod, phone, whatever.

Last year's trip paid off regarding being able to go into the observatory for free and that there were pins for sale at the observatory gift shop
-Down the twisty way which was WEIRD since it almost seemed like we were going thru clouds again, it was cold, misty/foggy and damp AT 2 PM IN THE AFTERNOON;
-Back around thru 76 down towards Temecula and around a corner just in time to see a gentleman in an SUV having a great deal of probs;
-Back out and around to Mission, to Starbucks at College Town Center and a de-briefing of the day's activities.

I didn't mention that we hooked up with the El Cajon STAR Chapter at the Lake Henshaw cafe!!! Marge and Sissy did NOT let this opportunity get away from them to exhort/tout/inform these folks about the August 21st fundraiser, Run With The Pack!!

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