I am SERIOUSLY thinking that my next bike will be a Harley. There was a Garage Party for women only last Thursday at Anaheim/Fullerton Harley Davidson.
The Garage Party that Fullerton/Anaheim Harley Davidson put on was for women ONLY, who hadn't ridden or who wanted some additional information about riding, gear, bikes, just STUFF. I likened it to a Tupperware party but instead of plastic storage stuff, it was about motorcycles. Since I'm on their newsletter mailing list, I found out about it and emailed Disco to RSVP. The event was 6-9 & I was coming straight from class, so I walk in and there are all these women with jeans, tops, some with tats, heavy MC boots, you know... And I'm in shorts, a tshirt and tennies. Ooookkkaaaayyyy-but it was still cool. The information was AWESOME.
I was telling my girlfriend that I got SUCH a good feeling from them, even above and beyond the ‘Girls-Only Garage Party’.
I'll prob go w/a Harley for my next bike because the Harley corporation is SO in tune w/women’s desires, motivations & interests, plus proactively addressing our concerns. Yamaha’s mindset, sorry to say, is still in the ‘50’s –I’m surprised they don’t make a pink Touring Cruiser with an airbrushed picture of pearls on it, complete a little stove, an ironing board and dishcloths on it!
Harley realizes that it’s a big step for women, a huge mental, emotional and physical step to not only ride something that we pretty much KNOW we can’t pick up, but also to 'insinuate' or involve ourselves physically, mentally, & emotionally into what had been traditionally men's area while trying to maintain our self-sufficiency, sometimes a MILITANT self-sufficiency if we grew up in the “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar” 70’s. Hey, I still feel like I'm in Jr High when I feel I've been overlooked or slighted, that's why I sometimes get the feeling that I'm 'tolerated' in groups-I sometimes STILL feel too much damn emotion, some more than other women & I am really aware of what others verbally or subconsciously think. I can SENSE that UBER sharply. I don't get that feeling from the HD Corporation...they welcome us, make us feel special, don't overlook us or patronize us.
One other reason to get a Harley is that everybody calls my V-Star a Harley ANYWAY.
I’m really tired of correcting them.
Disco’s a crackup.
HD positive aspects:
OC HD has what they call a "Custom Fit" program where you buy a bike and they help you customize it to your individual needs, hence we women being able to flat foot on a touring bike.
I ACT like an independent cuss, but I don’t FEEL independent; I mean, if I truly felt independent I probably wouldn’t be in a group. Or would be leading, like last year.
More to come...
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