Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Vegas Trip-PART ONE (anal pre-planning) WITH change in plans-only 1 day turnaround, now.

PART 1 – GETTING READY (the “Anal Trip Planner” Point of View)

Ok, we decided to go. (It’s been up in the air for a couple of weeks, but we decided to go). Then something kinda happened, decided NOT to go, but was convinced by a friend that a 1 day turnaround was a good HOWEVER, we’ll go up on Thursday and leave Vegas on Friday because I’ll have seen the vendors, don’t want to really do the games, and if the dinner is anything like the previous STAR BQ, no thanks, sorry. Not sure when to leave, probably after 12 noon (since checkout is at 12 noon).
NOT HAPPENING, BUT JUST IN HERE FOR REFERENCE: I’d like also to get back on the road and home before the crowd leaves Vegas on Sunday-I can’t see fighting other M/C groups and semi’s, not to mention the regular cages that’ll leave “early so we can get home early”. Leaving Saturday means that there’s less of a crowd to deal with on Interstate 15, there’ll STILL be crowded, just not quite so much.
Things I have already checked (and I usually check anyway, no matter what trip I take or do) and am still checking on:
• WEATHER predictions for the stops
• ROUTES and backup routes
• WEATHER ON THE ROUTES at the times we’d be at a given point (in this case, Brea; Rancho Cucamonga; Hesperia; Victorville; Barstow; Baker; Jean and Las Vegas.)
• ROAD WORK on the routes (learned THAT from a friend one time who got stuck on a highway that they had road work on for 1 day per week for blasting!)
• EXPENSES TO BE INCURRED on route (Gas, food, extras, and don’t forget, I usually have to multiply by 2!)
• THINGS TO DO PRIOR TO LEAVING (They’ll be covered in more detail below, but some examples would be to
o check my MC and AAA insurance coverage;
o scan in my ID’s, medical info, insurance info into a word doc and email it to myself;
o figure out what activities will be going on a figure out how to dress accordingly;
o figure out what could go wrong i.e. will Murphy being riding with me?;
o make a comprehensive ‘to take’ and ‘to do’ list, whether or not I take everything on the list, because once I go, I can’t go back for it (we’re talking HUGE spreadsheet for this one);
o figure out what we’ll need that we don’t have, and plan for the expense/buy it early/borrow it; o go online and find out what others have done, tips and tricks of the trade like putting clothing into Ziploc bags then pressing the air out, thereby making a REALLY flat item to pack.)
And check out the hotel and area around it because it’s been about 19 years since the last time I was there;
• GO INTO A MEDITATIVE MODE and imagine myself on the travel day; that night; the next days and imagine what’d I being doing. A little forethought is worth a TON of Monday-morning quarterbacking.

The ‘suggestion articles’ are always TMI, BUT they make me think of things that I wouldn’t normally think about, such as a flat tire kit (I don’t feel like waiting 2 hours for AAA to get there, since shit like that ALWAYS happens on the longest, remotest stretch of road), or like one thing to pack vs three of. My ‘to take’ list is really long, but again, write down everything you can think of, because you can’t go back for it or you’ll end up buying it when you reach your destination. I also check the hotel room for amenities, i.e. I don’t have to take a blow dryer, shampoo or conditioner. I will take the rainsuits, I have a tool kit already on my bike ( that is good for both bikes), and BIG TIME am doing pre-prep on both bikes. (OK, Barry is.)
I have to travel lighter anyway, since I don’t have saddlebags or even a rack/sissy bar to put luggage.

Someone mentioned to take some ‘older’ stuff that you would discard anyway, and leave them/throw ‘em out on the trip.

It’s always a good thing to ‘make one think’.

I always travel lighter, just enough, and actually take out one piece of clothing. Had done a lot of air travel in the past, doing tax workshops and presentations on new tax laws, so all my luggage and weight was for AV stuff. Very little room for clothes. And I’d always have to wear a suit. Dammit. And they’d be 2 & 3 day seminars, so I had to show up in a quasi-different outfit each day.

I’ve divided all the stuff to bring into four categories: Clothes, Communication, Chattels and Calamities. CLOTHES: again, what I’d like to bring then start winnowing out the stuff I don’t need: COMMUNICATION: not just comm. Devices i.e. cell phone and cameras, but batteries and chargers, plus laptop, aircard, CD-Roms and sleeves (will explain later in this blog): CHATTELS: this is my miscellaneous category, with everything from Beauth, health & personal items to Ziplocs (will be in the Packing Blog 2): CALAMITIES: this is the most important category because I’m a firm believer in ‘What could go wrong, will go wrong’ unless I gag and bind Murphy. (if you catch the metaphor) It’s my ‘in case of’ category, including but not limited to first aid kit, tire kit, tools, etc. Since space will really be limited, I’ll have some of my stuff do double duty, like padding the laptop with undies and some other chattels.

Good websites pre-ride and to do there:
this is amazing-I have to go thursday night, downtown Vegas. The Fremont Laser Light Show
This is supposed to have the most amazing oyster bar and gumbo ever.

OMG, OMG, JUST got the schedule and I am gonna definitely do:

Guided Self Ride
9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Riding to Red Rock Canyon then on to Mountain Springs Saloon. Red Rock Canyon has a breath taking 13 miles scenic loop that should not be missed. There are plenty of pull offs to stop and the view will make you forget you are only a few miles from the Strip. The fee to enter is $5. Then it’s on to Mountain Springs Saloon. At 5500 ft it’s nice and cool and great place to just sit and relax for a while - a true bikers’ hang out.

Guided Self Ride
9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Riding to Valley of Fire. The fire red sandstone formations give this state park it’s name, and you have to see this place to believe it! The ride starts along Lake Mead on a road made for motorcycles (lots of big sweeping corners). Make sure you take the road behind the Valley of Fire Visitors’ Center – it’s awesome! Fee to enter is $6.

I’m going to map these puppies so that hopefully I can do both. Friday is going to be a RIDE RIDE RIDE day!!! (Note to self-have to map where to get gas between these, otherwise have to go back to hotel)

Guided Self Ride down the World Famous Las Vegas Strip 9:00 pm
Come be one of the “Stars” on the strip!

I have the PERFECT sequined jacket for this, just waiting for the last 10 years for this one chance…..NOTE TO SELF-NEED TO DRESS UP LAMBIE TO MATCH! (My husband’s gonna KILL me)

to be continued...

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