We were meeting at (supposedly) Chuy's in Corona at 1;30 PM since that seemed to be a really good mid-point and mid-time for everybody concerned (even the church folks). Barry, Johney and I from the OC, Fred (Johney's cousin, whom he calls 'Uncle Fred') from Norco, and Tommy & Eric from Chino. Since we were going to Temecula and points east, seemed a good spot. It was.
The Alpha Bit....oopsie, I mean Alpha Female Dog (me) leading this pack 'o mutts (you like that? I borrowed it from another forum, it sounds pretty cool) had been checking the weather all week and quite a few times on Saturday, so when I was pretty doggone sure that it wasn't gonna rain I started putting the final touches on a trip. A couple of friends gave me some input, and you know who you are, ("50 DEGREES? HELL, NO I AIN'T GOING UNLESS YOU FIND ANOTHER PLACE THAT'S WARMER!")
So I did. Kinda. Well, it SEEMED like it'd be warmer than Glendora Mtn. Ridge Road...that's what the weather said, but there were some extenuating circumstances...
I had worked up a spreadsheet and pinpointed just WHERE we'd be on the route and just WHAT the temperature was projected to be at that point at a certain time. Using ascending algorithmic functions whereby given 1)the mileage from point A to B to C to D to E (Mapquest does that EXTREMELY well), then 2) the time leaving, MPH, stop times and duration, so then adding in the projected temps for us getting to point A at a certain time, point B at a certain time, etc., was able to figure out that the lowest the temp would go would be 52 on our way back to our respective homes around 5 pm, or just before dusk.
Here's the email I sent the guest of honor:
Weather projected as partly cloudy, small chance of precipitation.
Temps are projected as:
Temecula 2:00 PM 60 degrees
Aguanga 3:00 PM 60 degrees
Warner Springs 3:30 PM 54 degrees
Pauma Valley 4:00 PM 58 degrees
Temecula 4:30 59 degrees
Corona 5:00 PM 57 degrees
I knew I should've factored in a) wind chill and b) SHOPPING. That's right, SHOPPING. I go with guys that like to SHOP. I love these mutts, but then again, I take care of my guys.
Before Bub and I left, I was doing a check off sheet, and decided to take my lighter balaclava whole head and face warmer/shield/whatever, and I also decided to take my new half-helmet.
Mistake #1. Never go on a long ride that you haven't at least done a pre-ride on or have never done before with a new helmet that you haven't broken in and/or have no clue how it SHOULD fit.
Bub tried on one of the face shields we bought last year, and it seemed to be ok. It wasn't.
Mistake #2. Always bring back-up stuff for the stuff you think 'seems to be ok'.
We DID take the new polar gloves, which worked well.
Left for the meeting spot, got there around 10-15 minutes early with Tommy and Eric passing us on the 91 and getting there 2 minutes earlier than us, and NOW I'm gonna ream him for bugging me about my speed after the ride-DUDE, you were haulin' ASS on the 91!!! Ahem...to continue...
Johney and Fred were already there, Johney on OF COURSE The Spyder Special and Fred on his $10 750 Honda from the '70's. Yup. $10. Worked really well, too.
The guys decided that, since it was going to be an hour until we ate, they were going into Jack in the Box and get a bite. GMAFB. I guess it gets dangerous for those guys to live off their own body fat for more than an hour. I know I'D want to keep my hands and feet away from their mouths when they're hungry.
Ok, we left at pretty close to 1:30, with the tinker-toy 650 in the lead. I will say that MY SPEEDOMETER DIDN'T GO OVER 82 and that was only once in awhile. I heard grumblings afterwards that SOME people didn't feel comfy with machinery that goes that fast, but I can understand. It was thoughtless of me to go that fast without checking with everyone to see if that was kosher. Honest. But I didn't pass a lot of cars, just stayed in the middle of the freeway and some cars went faster, some were slower, and SOME cut me off within 2 feet of my fender.
Bub saw him coming, but all of a sudden this guys comes jamming up and totally cuts me off. I'm really glad I didn't see him coming up because I probably would've freaked a little something. I honked at him but he ignored my hone and he did the same thing to another car up a bit.
Ok, we get to Temecula, stop to shop, great stuff, great stuff. I'm definitely going back.
Mistake #3. Check with your other riders the day beforehand to see if there will be any additional stops other than the ones you plan for, because the timing will possibly be thrown off.
We rode down 3 blocks (like, we couldn't WALK?) to Mad Madaline's, a great place for food, a little pricey, but the portions are huge. One comment-what kind of a place is it that DOESN'T serve COFFEE??? I had a patty melt that I couldn't finish and Bub had the biggest, messiest ortega chicken sandwich you ever saw.
Stopping at Slap 'n Leather, a very nice shop and one I will return to for summer riding clothes.
The score at the end of lunch stood at Barry 0, chicken grilled ortega sandwich, 1.
So we leave, take highway 79 out towards Aguanga and Warner Springs, not too bad. Frequent stops for pics and Tommy's shoulder, and I was kinda glad, actually, because the sun went behind clouds and the temp DROPPED about 10 degrees. You do the math.
Unfortunately, when Johney rode to Fred's house, the weather was in the 70's & beautiful, so he trusted me & my analysis and didn't wear his denim shirt. Sorry, Johney. When I asked at this stop if anybody ELSE was frickin' freezing, he said hell yeah.
Mistake #4. Bring a thin but thermal undershirt-it takes up very little space but can be golden.
Next stop, around Lake Henshaw which was off from the 79 on hwy 76. Stopped again ("Tommy, I KNOW your shoulder has to be hurting!" Yeah, that's it, let's stop for TOMMY, forget about us freezing or the pee factor)
You can see how overcast it was, and that was 3 PM in the afternoon.
Yeah, it was as cold as they looked.
Now here's the neat, NEAT part. We stopped, took pics of the lake, and an old Ford Tempo stopped and the girl in it told us about a protected bald eagle and it's aerie just across the road. We looked, and there it was. I've tried to capture it. (the photo, not the eagle. DUH)
Found one. (place to pee, that is)