Friday, October 10, 2008

LOOKS LIKE THIS ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN 12-13-08 "I'm going to be (hopefully) a provisional Tailgunner position for 230."

UPDATE 121308
Due to chapter riding protocols (which are...?), chapter practices and policies (again, which are...?) and a decision made at a leadership level, I have been removed from the position of being a 'tailgunner in training'.

My original posting:

I'll do the best I can and use all the experience, knowledge and common sense that I've acquired throughout my riding years to protect the group I'm in.
Just so I can get my thoughts down per Chapter policies, here are the Forum Tailgunner postings and the actual Chapter Policies:

The Chapter Charter and policies state that Ride Crew candidates shall meet the following requirements:

-Chapter member in good standing for at least one year. Well, I know of a few tailgunners who weren't with the chapter for a year, and one in training now that's only been with the chapter 4 months.
-Completion of the MSF ERC course. and this particular trainee, who was made to stand at our holiday party by our 'President' (it takes more than a title to make a leader, and sorry to say, I've seen much better leaders in fishing ponds), hasn't taken far.
-Satisfactory completion of three Chapter ride/pre-rides under the supervision of the applicable Lead Ride Crew member and/or the Vice President. and he did his 3rd ride (he said) on December 6th going to IMS.

On the Forum, these requirements are written:

Tail gunner trainees need to first ride two pre-rides in the tail gunner position before training on a chapter ride.
Selection of a rider for training in the position of tail gunner is based in part on following criteria: willingness and desire to be trained, maybe that's where they think I fell down? observed riding abilities, which were said to be 'satisfactory', recommendation by other ride crew members, frequency of attendance, and more. However in order to be invited onto the ride crew with the presentation of a rocker, a rider must also qualify under the rider crew rules as posted on the star230 forum under chapter policys included in this requirement is completion of an erc course (experienced rider course). Recommended is a first aid course or any other training that relates to group safety.
We welcome and encourage all riders to participate in serving the chapter in the capacity of their choosing. Realizing that there are some limitations and restrictions for certain positions, riders are encouraged to pursue serving as they wish.

I wonder what the restrictions and limitations are? 12-13-08 I still wonder...

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