Monday, December 29, 2008

She's BAAAACCCKKK!!! With Random Thoughts of the Absurd, of Life, and Some Prose

My fan base has requested over and over that they need more writing, more 'stuff' from the mistress of the manuscript, the lady of the letters, the babe of the bullsh...ok, we'll let that one go. You get the idea.

With the holidays AND Laine my son here, I haven't much felt like writing nor taking pictures. (Mostly I lie awake and pray that the sirens I hear have NOTHING to do with either kid...) But my fans insist, so I'll attempt some of dat writin' stuff. Here are some thoughts (and if there are words within parens that are 'by me', that means I created it out of my own pointy little head);

RANDOM THOUGHTS OF THE ABSURD, OF LIFE AND SOME PROSE (wait a sec-those two ideals are mutually compatible-life IS absurd and the absurd is throughout our life. Whoa.)

** I love this technology stuff, there are so many ways to get ahold of people if you really need to in case of emergency. FOR INSTANCE, a girlfriend who doesn't have a cell phone nor a computer has a sister who is in a coma. She gave her out of state family my cell number and email address for quick information sharing, because she knows that if I have info to get to her, I will track her down, go over to her apartment and beat on the door until I find her. It happened tonight, her younger brother called me, I gave him her home phone and was going to call her after 1/2 hour myself. If I couldn't've gotten ahold of her right then, I would've gone over to her place. Now I'm checking flights for her that vary day by day and time by time, to get the best deal at the best time, so we'll be on the spot ready. That's what friends are for.

**It’s good to get outside opinions on what’s going on in one’s life. Spouses and family members are sometimes not only too close to the problem (analogy-too close to the forest to see the trees) AND are hampered by having to live with that person AFTER giving the advice! I find it’s advantageous to have a trusted friend or two (or three or five or…) who will give you their softened truthful opinion and who, when they can sense that I don’t like their opinion AT ALL and go on the warpath, have enough warning time to beat feet out of the area or refuse to answer emails or their phone. Family members have to stay and take it and clean up the mess afterward (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, things thrown and broken, whatever).
But that’s why we have a healthcare family plan, right?

**Sometimes we learn things to not necessarily know how and when to use the information learned, but how and when to NOT use said information. Or even when to hint that you know and COULD use information.

** Just because someone says, "Yeah, I've heard of you!", that doesn't necessarily mean it's in a GOOD way. ASK them.

**I don't retreat, I regroup.

**At my aerobics class-they come for the workout, they stay for the show. I tell them, "If you like my class, my name is Lynne. If you DON'T like my class, my name is Rhonda".

**The old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed" didn't take into account the Dow sliding 15% in 2008. "There are givers, there are takers, gang-bang bee-atches and fakers; there's good friends, there's split ends, people I'd go to the earth's ends..." (by me)

** I am, "She who must be obeyed". My daughter Jackie is, "She who must NEVER be hung up on".

** "Bite me" is the phrase that is nearest and dearest to my heart; "I could be your mom" is a close second.

** Words on a deceased cop's headstone: "I am not above the lawn". (by me)

** Snickerdoodle Cookies-Breakfast of Champions. And lunch. And a little nosh inbetween.

**My son gives himself an oil change every time he washes his hair. (by me)

**I always pour champagne too fast so that it ends up bubbling over the rim...HEY, maybe THAT'S why they call it, 'Bubbly'! Whoa.

**A spelling contest for a witch doctor is a "JuJuBee" (by me)

**From the white woman with a small percentage of Lenne Lenape Delaware tribe in her, some spells and curses for those who wouldst cross her...

**May you blow out all the windows of the cars on a street with your backfiring OEM non-stock exhaust and have to pay all damages thereof.
**May you win the lottery and, with the publicity, get a summons in the mail for back-owed child support (that totals the exact amount of the lottery winnings!) for a 'fling' you had in the '70's. And leaving you with a helluva tale to tell your current S/O.
**May the milk in your refridgerators go sour and you not realize it until you've already drunk half of it from the container.

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**I like the thrill of the ultimate convertible
It takes a lot of concentration
I give it 120% and scan almost 360
Because being a mom, I still have my eyes in the back of my head (by me)

**A MOTORCYCLE HAIKU (5-7-5 syllables)
Fast motorcycle
100% awareness
Otherwise you crash. (by me)

Why do I ride? (by me)

When people ask me why I ride a motorcycle

At my age, they think it absurd!

They think I’m ‘channeling’ Brando or Fonda

And think me quite disturbed.

I simply reply to them that I just like

The feel of the wind in on my face

Just like a doggie with his head out the window

Going in the car someplace.

I go down the road full tilt,

People say I kinda look like a cop

So they slow down from their speed, get kinda anxious,

Wondering if they’re gonna be stopped.

I start to pass them, they look and get scared,

They wonder if it’s a big bad biker dude,

They realize as they see my stuffed animal on the back

And there’s a palpable change in their mood.

I flip my visor up and smile at them all

And wave my non-throttle glove

They realize that it’s a MOM on that bike, we part with smiles!

Kicking the shit out of stereotypes is what I LOVE.

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I really like this cute lil' female doggie. And the white thing with fur, too. (I will leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide which is really could go either way, y'know.)

**For the wind in my face

For the road under my tires

For the accompanyment of my engine I ride,

Not just for the destination, but for the journey

by Jim McLeod "Ol' Dirtbeard" President, Capital Cruisers

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Riverside Chapter 345's Holiday Party Dec. 6, 2008

This should actually say, "Danger, PEOPLE drinking" but we ladies were reining in to take our squiffed significant others home.

Amazingly this is how I looked even after our 230 monthly ride. After a little makeup and a curling iron, that is. Sylvia and crew made some CUTE table ornaments (Syl, if I got this wrong, lemme know who actually made them!)

Great food. Here's the menu.

Pretty good, pretty funny, the guys rib each other wildly! I love the special award Doug got.

Nice party at Marie Calendar's in Corona, great food, Mark gave an overview of the Chapter's year and what the guys did, who of the guys were especially noteworthy, very funny.

There seemed to be a resurgence of the gift that Barry got first thing from the 230 party-wonder where THAT came from?!!
We ended up with some pretty neat gifts-a pair of 3-D bookends and I got a bottle of Merlot and a gift certificate for motorcycle accessories and gear to Buckles and Belts in Calimesa. Will probably be a nice ride out there. SHOPPING! Jim T got the most noteworthy gift-a large stuffed animal and a can of SPOTTED DICK. (It's a type of pudding-ish thingy from England...I tried to find it for a few 'gifts' I was considering, but couldn't find it. Rats. Above, all the ladies. Below, the Barbanos and the Shapiros.

International Motorcycle Show Saturday Dec. 6 2008

It was pretty good. Got to sit on the new Yamaha 950 cruiser which has my name written all over it...I noticed there were more women's riding vendors this year, which was a great thing.
to be continued...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I just signed up for my clinical EMT 'ridealongs'.

My 'shift' will be 10 AM - 10 PM on two Mondays. I report to CARE Ambulance (a VERY tightly run, well-thought of company, very professional, expecting and getting only the best personnel and giving the best service around) about 1/2 hour prior, get my assignment to a station, then get practical experience riding on an ambulance with EMT's/paramedics. One of our substitute instructors for my class is the Ops Manager of CARE, great teacher, great guy, learned a LOT from him.

Before I called, I made a list of the days/dates I could do my clinicals, so I had an idea of my preferences in dates. Didn't want to schedule my ridealongs on school days because I'd mess up my lecture hours. I called the scheduler Lori at CARE and was able to get two of the slower days, thank goodness. I'm kinda apprehensive about this, because we're talking people's LIVES here. I feel confident that I'll do a good job and learn a LOT though, because I've dealt with quite a few illnesses with others and myself here and there in my life, so I just have to brush up on my initial assessments/general impressions/rapid trauma or medical assessments, yada, yada, yada. Plus don't even get me started on the PAPERWORK! Interviewing EMT's, getting their evaluation of me, patient assessments (at least 5 per clinical ridealong) plus filling out the prehospital documentation forms that are almost as daunting as a 1040 long form. (What am I saying? I LOVE the 1040's and additional forms involved!!!)

I have to wear a uniform, my badge, my shirt, blue or black pants, hard boots, hair up in a bun, take my blood pressure cuff and stethoscope, you know, the whole professional drill. Hmmm, gotta find a blue or black jacket too, because it'll be cold, I betcha. (just thinking out loud and outside the box, as usual)

I don't think I can take any pictures of the trucks or the guys or whatever, probably not even the front of the building. I can always ask, but maybe somebody can take my picture in front of one of the generic trucks, or maybe with the guys. Don't want to look 'touristy' or stupid, but since this class is a very important part of my life, I do want to document my travels through it.